Wednesday, August 30, 2006


my sole concept
my only breath prayer - is
not to drown like this
in these swirling shards
of shattered glass

distances are too long
in a world turned sideways

pounding, my heart

begs for liberty
and I, even now
plead for it to remain

I did not intend to die like this -
face beneath these churning waters

choking on my own fears
from a life of breathing
without air

above, billowing in the
blurred and beveled light

the curtains –
slashed with knives;

the stairs - that naked
I crashed down
faint from the
savage truth their hands
thrusted and struck me with;

the shoes that
would not fit me, and
now sustain my salted tears.

spinning, my form,

my rawest flesh exposed -
their human piƱata.

I wanted only
only, just to

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