Friday, November 18, 2022

Suicide Note for my Mother

Last week we had to close the hurricane shutters

being suicidal is a little like that

It’s dark

It’s scary and you’re not sure if you should stay or if you should go

It’s loud, so loud, but you only have a rough idea of how much danger you’re actually in

It’s isolating 

There is no way out

Well, there is one way, but it’s difficult to decide

People will tell you all sorts of things

Things that they think you should do

Things that they would do in your position

Things any reasonable person would do

But a hurricane is not reasonable

It’s noisy, and it claws at you just on the other side of those black metal shutters trying to get in

And always -what will people think?

Terrible things, people will think terrible things, you already knew that didn’t you?

They will call you a coward

You will break your children’s hearts

But the only person’s heart I want to break is yours

The only voice I want to stop clawing at me is yours

I wish you would just die

It would be so much simpler to love you when all hope of you ever loving me is gone

It’s the hope that kills, I think

It’s my hope that kills me

When Johnny died there were pages in his journal about the beast in his head

The beast? that was him, the man you let harm your children

The man you let beat us, belittle us

The man who called 10 year me a stupid cunt while he held fistfuls of my hair and pushed my face into my breakfast because he thought I had stolen change from his dresser

I had, fuck him

But it’s not his voice that is screaming in my head

It’s yours

I want you to die so maybe, that voice will stop

I want you to die so that he will be alone, hopefully sitting in his own filth, unloved and isolated

I want him to live a long time like that, alone

But mostly, I want you to die

I want you to die, not quickly, not quietly, or in your sleep, and not at peace

I want you to die slowly and ask for me and for me not to come

I want you to die unforgiven, knowing your only living child did not forgive you

Loved you yes, I fucking hate that part, but I want you to know that I do not forgive you

Your granddaughter is getting married, and she didn’t tell you

Maybe you know this, maybe you don’t

All of your grandchildren want nothing to do with you

The most obvious answer is because you let him say horrible things to me, and to them

You say horrible things about everyone really, except yourself, and him

What kind of a mother does that?

What kind of a mother picks herself and her twenty Talbot cashmere sweater sets over her children and grandchildren?

Honestly, I want to know 

The less obvious answer is because beyond allowing his abuse, you told us we were crazy for even trying to talk about it or heal from it

That will fuck with someone’s mind let me tell you. 

Did you ever have moment when you wanted to protect us? Where you thought about standing between his fists and his words and your children?

Maybe you did, I doubt it, because

what would people say?

What the fuck would people say, mother?

We can’t have people knowing what was happening in our home, can we?

Where would your polished image be then?

What good would the cashmere, dinner parties and shoes be if everyone knew they belonged to a monster?

You were always beautiful on the outside and terrible on the inside

I think you might be aware of this

You let it happen

Over and over

And then would make us tell him we loved him because it upset him so when he lost his temper and smacked us around

That poor man you would say

He loves you, you would say

He didn’t mean it, you would say

You own sister asked you to stop him

She told me that many, many years later, shortly before she died herself

You said no, she told me that too.

I hope that haunts you

I hope you never find peace

I hope how ugly you are on the inside becomes visible to everyone, and that you know that they see it, finally.

I hope when you look at yourself in the mirror you are filled with revulsion at the site

It’s his voice that Johnny listened to on repeat when he killed himself, did you know that?

And we both know it took Johnny years and years to finally die, listening to that asshole over and over

It’s your voice that I will hear

It’s your voice I hear now, it does not stop, it comes out of everyone I see and speak to

It is my whole world somedays and I hate it

I hate you

I hate that nothing will shut it up for more than few moments at a time

It is always there

I think the only reason I’m still alive is I fought back

I punched back, I stole the fucking change from his dresser and spit in his food

Johnny just took it, soaked it all up, and tried to make peace

My baby brother’s desire for peace is what killed him

I hate that I still desperately want you to love me

I think I hate that the most

It makes me feel pathetic

Because I know I come running back to you when you offer even the tiniest scrap of kindness

Like some poor dog who squirms on its belly trying to appease its abusive owner

Tail tucked, head bowed, just hoping that this time will be different

That this time it’s okay, that it’s safe

It never is for more than a moment

You do take exceptional care of your dogs, ironically

always have

Loved them without condition

Would never, and I mean never let anyone harm them

People say people who are kind to dogs are good people, but that’s not always true is it?

It’s not that you are incapable of love

You are simply incapable of loving me

You are not incapable of kindness and care

You are incapable of kindness and care toward me

Unless, of course we’re in public, then you’re the image of a caring mother

The well dressed, socially perfect mother

Ah, but when you do love me, it’s the best feeling in the world

After the hurricane I stood on the beach, waves at my ankles, sometimes my shins

It wasn’t the waves that would knock me over, it was the way they shifted the sand under my feet and I lost my balance

That’s what if feels like when you love me, glorious, powerful, and beautiful, until the undertow shifts the sand beneath me and what I thought was solid is pulled out from under me

I’ve described it as walking on eggshells, holding on to the moments when you loved me, but really it feels more like sand shifting when I’m not paying close attention and then I’m underwater, again

Crab walking backwards to safety, again. 

And I want you know, down in your bones, I want this to be the only thing you hear

That you are responsible, that you have killed me

That I do not forgive you

That I do not wish you peace

That I wish you would just die slowly knowing you destroyed your children because you cared more about yourself, your shoes, your image and that asshole.